Research Rise Appeal Policy
Appeals Policy for Editorial Decisions
Authors seeking to appeal a manuscript revision or rejection decision may submit a formal written appeal. To initiate the process, the appeal must be emailed to the journal (email address available on the journal’s homepage), with the subject line containing the word “Appeal” and the manuscript reference number. Appeals are only eligible for manuscripts that have undergone peer review; those rejected without review by the editorial team are not eligible. Appeals must be submitted by the corresponding author with agreement from all co-authors.
Key Guidelines for Appeals
- Timeline: Appeals must be submitted within one month of receiving the editorial decision.
- Exclusive Submission: Authors should not submit their manuscript to another journal or begin transfer processes while the appeal is under review.
- Appeal Letter:
- Provide a clear explanation refuting the decision with detailed, point-by-point responses to the editors’ or reviewers’ comments.
- Include any supporting evidence that addresses technical errors or potential biases in the assessment.
- Appeals will not be considered for manuscripts rejected due to non-compliance with publishing policies or differences of opinion on the manuscript’s interest, novelty, or suitability for the journal.
Evidence Requirements
- Provide technical evidence if errors were made in the evaluation process.
- Submit supporting evidence if there is a suspected conflict of interest or bias from an Editor or Reviewer.
Appeals failing to meet these criteria will not be considered.
Appeal Process and Consideration
The time required to process an appeal depends on factors such as the journal’s focus, the manuscript’s complexity, and the specific issues raised in the appeal. Appeals are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief, a designated representative (e.g., members of the Ethics Committee), or Research Rise staff, depending on the circumstances. If a conflict of interest involving the Editor is alleged, another member of the editorial board will handle the appeal.
Outcome of Appeals
The journal will notify the corresponding author of the appeal’s outcome. If reconsideration is granted, it does not guarantee acceptance. The manuscript may undergo further review by the same or new reviewers and/or editors, with possible revisions required. Only one appeal is permitted per manuscript, and the decision on the appeal is final.
Appeals related to legal disputes will not be considered, and the journal reserves the right to suspend or discontinue an ongoing appeal in such cases.
Withdrawal of Appeals
To withdraw an appeal, the corresponding author must email the journal using the same address as the appeal submission, including the words “Appeal Withdrawal” and the manuscript reference number in the subject line.
This policy ensures a fair, transparent, and consistent process for authors who wish to contest editorial decisions.
For inquiries, please write to us at
Useful Links
- Guide for Authors
- Support Center